Monday, August 31, 2009

Public Relations

Dear Kristin,

It was great hearing from you, and I am extremely excited to share with you what I have found public relations to be and why I have chosen this for my career.

Public relations primarily deals with the flow of information from the company to the public. This information comes in a few different forms including, but not limited to, written and visual media. A press release is a written form of media that has basic facts of a company, quotes from important people within, and dates for upcoming events. On the other hand video interviews with a CEO, a president, or leaders of a company, fall into the visual media. The public relations manager will brief these individuals before they go on camera and provide them with key points that they can use as a resource at anytime.

Often times the public relation departments have the task of overhauling the image of the company. They organize events, host conferences, and strive to help the public better understand how they can benefit from the work the company is doing. Advertising and relationships between the company and the consumers are extremely important to the success of the company.

One interesting fact about public relations is that it is different around the world. For example, a company in China will have different strategies than a company in California, to accomplish good relations with the public and the media. Therefore, it is extremely important for a public relations worker to be experienced and skilled in many areas. The need for public relations is always prevalent, and is never consistent. Hence, new and innovative ideas must constantly by thought of, applied, and carried out to ensure a successful future for any company.

Sincerely your cousin,


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hello World

I am a first time blogger. Writing is one of my passions, along with sports and the outdoors. I hope you enjoy the compilation of writings that I feel are worthy of being posted to this blog. Feel free to comment or email me personally at
