Monday, September 21, 2009

2300 PR Thoughts

We all know that the state of the economy is in turmoil. Each newspaper headlines some political issue that always brings up how bad the economy is. Jobs have been lost, business's have closed their doors. Yet many industries and organizations are still increasing in revenue. One of them is Great Value, a discount brand sold most notably at Wal-Mart. In a press release dated March 16, 2009 Great Value shows how they will help families get the food they need at low prices. It is titled "Walmart’s Revamped Great Value Brand Delivers Affordable, Quality Choices When Consumers Need Them Most." What American would not feel like they are appreciative of Great Value thinking of their family. They are conducting tests to make sure their product is just as good as "name brand" products, if not better. They re-formulate products to their customers needs and wants, and they are even coming up with new product that will help families across America save money on food expenses.

Now Great Value did not have to revamp their PR situation. They have had such great positioning within America to be the brand that can save you money. How many of us find what we are looking for and then look to see if their is a Great Value equivalent? So Great Value promises America, and the world for that matter, that they will be there to help each family.

Something my wife pointed out to me is how their advertising helps people feel they are saving money by buying Great Value products. Of course we all know that Great Value has never had an extravagant package on any of their products. It was conservative, with bright colors that draw your attention. Now their products have packages that are mostly white, with pictures of the products, and simple lettering. We bought a bag of barbeque chips and my wife said, "pretty sad when we have to buy the cheep chips, huh?" We got home tasted them and they were better than even Lays potato chips. I am not a huge fan of barbeque chips but I have eaten nearly the entire bag.

Props to Great Value and their PR department for getting the word out and doing their best to help each family through out the World. To see more for yourself visit

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