Monday, December 7, 2009

Online Reputation

To: Lauren Hong

From: Travis Hansen

What: Online Reputation

Date: December 7, 2009

A Shout Out For Chocolate Milk
I was amazed that when I typed in “Lauren Hong” in a Google search you would come up twice in the first ten listed results. You have two twitter accounts, and It was easy to notice that these were you have profile pictures on each of these accounts. A common theme I found was your love for chocolate milk. That led me to search on Google for “Lauren Hong, Chocolate Milk” which sadly only brought up the same websites I already found. Yet, I found something humorous on this list of websites. It said “Ralph Lauren Hong Kong” and by clicking I found myself on a Blog Catalog site. I thought it was interesting to see how your name fit in with a popular clothing brand and a city in China.

I continued my search by typing in “Lauren Hong Utah State” and again all the previous sites appeared. In addition to these was the USU Admissions site on twitter, where you are a fan. Then I typed in “Lauren Hong Public Relations” and I was amazed how many more websites involving you popped up. Preston Parker, one of your professor’s, Twitter account showed up as well as a blog titled “Musings on PR”

For my final stage of finding your online reputation I went to my Facebook account and typed in your name. There were many Lauren Hong’s but your account happened to be at the top of the list, lucky for me! I added you as a friend, and after you accepted I was able to see some of your conversations with your friends. Again I noticed your reference to Chocolate Milk, and I realized that having unique things such as that on each of your profiles, it set you above the rest. Online reputations are hard to come in such a modern age. Yet, you have done a tremendous job.

Best Regards,

Travis Hansen