Traditional Media Trying To Incorporate Social Media
Traditional media will eventually have to connect to social media in some aspect or be left to wade around in dust and cobwebs. Newspapers and other media outlets of the previous decades are doing their best to keep their “integrity” and “journalistic reputation” while still incorporating the new phases of technology.
Here are 5 ways they are doing this.
1. Widget TV
“Verizon will soon push a software update to its FiOS service that will allow customers to connect their set-top boxes to the Web.” They are also finding ways to incorporate Facebook and Twitter into video production.
2. Pitch the Editor-in-Chief
John Byrne, editor in chief of Business Week, has his twitter followers send their pitches via clicking on his link on his twitter page. This is just one example of old journalism, mixing with the new.
3. Newspapers on YouTube
This is self explanatory, but nonetheless it is brilliant.
4. Now playing at a Bookstore Near You
Book publishers posting trailers on YouTube? Many people thought books were going to struggle; this can really help curb that idea or at least keep them alive for a few more years.
5. Literati as Twitterati
Publishing poems, books, and articles on twitter, crazy right? Of course it would have to be in 140 character increments but some people, especially in Britain, love this idea.
All information including the 5 ideas and quotes came from
How Traditional Media Created Social Media
This may come as a shock to many and I am sure many would disagree with this idea, but I have read several articles and posts referring to this phenomenon. One of them is
Basically, the old media, more formally known as the big three or TV, Radio, and Print or newspapers cared more about ratings and who was watching or tuning in. With social media we tailor things the way we want them, and we are seeing the focus being how many instead of just who. That is the difference and the fact the older and more traditional media is starting to adapt or fade away is further proof to this point.
One quote from the article I loved and completely agree with is this, “ I stopped my subscription to the newspaper because they failed to give me the news I was looking for in a timely manner. Radio; what once was the rebel of the big three is now just a corporate suit. It’s no wonder that social media has exploded and will continue to grow. People will always gather were they’re entertained.”