Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Organizational Uses

7 Outcomes of Organizational Communication & Social Media

All information, including quotes and the 7 Outcomes of Organizational Communication & Social Media were taken from http://www.nateriggs.com/2010/05/10/7-outcomes-of-organizational-communication-social-media-a-draft-framework/content-marketing-consulting

1 - Information Flow & Decision Making

In most cases we think of organizations starting from the top and going to the bottom. Since the outbreak of social media in the last few years, the information that is shared from one section of the organization to the next and so on all the way to the top has sped up rapidly. With Facebook, Twitter and blogs it could take just a matter of minutes for information to be shared rather than having meetings to bring up certain issues.

2 - Promoting Internal Transparency

Using social media tools to create internal transparency, context and understanding around organizational decisions can result in greater satisfaction, trust in and connectedness to organizational leadership.”

As you can see social media helps the image of the overall result.

3 - Reducing Communication Breakdown

This is a key in social media. You have to develop some sort of strategy in order to keep all the information current, undiluted and accurate without allowing any information to slips through the cracks.

4 - Visualizing Organizational Culture

Social Media, especially Facebook can be used to enhance the conversation between employees and help them engage in better work relationships. Of course, there is also a risk that negative things will be said and you will have to have someone monitor this as well as have consequences for negativity about the organization or other employees.

5 -  Employee Retention & Recruitment

Social media can be used by employees throughout the organization to bring on new talent, if they are provided with a centralized and visible platform that makes it easy for those interactions and referrals to be made.”

6 - Reduction of Communication Noise

Email has turned into more of a time waster than something that is useful because of the amount of emails we get in a single day, let alone each hour.

Tools like Yammer and SocialCast are starting to open new opportunities for employees to not only communicate, but also gain analytical data on where inefficiencies and breakdowns might exist.”

7 - Communicating Across Boundaries

It is now possible to work for organizations, especially those involved with social media, in different cities or even countries because of the new technology and social media opportunities. Through video meetings like Skype and working in a Google Doc, people can collaborate and obtain the same thing we used to work on in the same room for hours at a time.

The Future of Social Media and Politics

All information including quotes were taken from http://mashable.com/2010/11/01/future-social-media-politics/

Social Media is changing the playing field in politics and has even been quite ugly and led to the dismissal and resignation of people who use social media improperly. However, social media, when used in the right way, can give politicians and government a great avenue to monitor feedback from voters and those who they serve.

“I believe that social media must be fully incorporated into the daily operation of the United States Congress,” said  Matt Lira, the director of new media for Republican Whip Eric Cantor.
 “Not simply as an outbound communication tool, but to actually include the American public in substantive legislative decision making.”

As the guidelines for social media continue to be written, politicians will have to tailor how they react and use the tools.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job on this paper, great points. I liked the end quote by Matt Lira because it shows how prominate social media is becoming.
